Red roses with jewelry box and ice cream
Have here nice jewelry box, 1 liter polar strawberry ice cream and 12 pcs red roses in bouquet. Whats better gift hamper then this gift hamper. So choose this gift hamper to your special person and wish him or her.
TK 1,750.00Red roses with jewelry box and ice cream
TK 1,750.00 -
Saree with churi and red roses
Here is very beautiful cotton saree par and achol is very nice, 2 dozen red color glass churi and 12 pcs red roses in bouquet. Surprise your dear ones on this pohela boishakh. It will be make more lovely moment of your dear ones.
TK 3,400.00Saree with churi and red roses
TK 3,400.00 -
Panjabi with red roses and sweet
There is nice cotton panjabi, 10 pcs red roses in bouquet and 1 kg roshogolla from rosh. Its the best gift hamper for him. On this pohela boishakh just make more special for your dear husband or boyfriend by this gift hamper.
TK 3,850.00Panjabi with red roses and sweet
TK 3,850.00 -
Panjabi with chocolate and roses
Here is include very nice cotton panjabi, 12 pcs red roses in bouquet and 2 pcs snickers chocolate. Make more special and lovely day of your husband or boyfriend by this gift hamper. This gift hamper prove that you always love him and care him.
TK 3,960.00Panjabi with chocolate and roses
TK 3,960.00 -
Salwar kamiz with neckless set and ice cream
Here is amazing salwar kamiz, necklace set with imitation pearl and 1 liter polar chocolate ice cream. This gift hamper will make a awesome day of your dear ones on this pohela boisakh.
TK 5,700.00Salwar kamiz with neckless set and ice cream
TK 5,700.00