100 pcs red roses in vase
Its very special red roses in vase and it brings you more romantic moment between you and your wife or dear ones. So buy this vase red roses and spend romantic time. Vase design may vary.
TK 3,300.00100 pcs red roses in vase
TK 3,300.00 -
18 pcs red roses in vase
Its perfect gift to propose someone and also share feeling of love. This is a flower arrangement of pretty red roses which can be given to anyone on any romantic day. So propose your special someone by this gift. Glass vase design may vary.
TK 1,850.0018 pcs red roses in vase
TK 1,850.00 -
24 pcs imported pink roses in vase
Its lovely imported pink roses from India. Its decorated in vase. This vase of pink roses is a perfect reflection of your feelings for a someone special. This pink roses in vase is awesome gift for any special occasion for the ones important to you. So send this and see smile face of your dear one. Vase design may vary.
TK 3,100.0024 pcs imported pink roses in vase
TK 3,100.00 -
6 pcs red roses in vase
Red roses means a lot of love and feelings for someone. So if you love someone well just gift this vase of red roses and share your feeling of love. Its the best way to share of love. Vase design may vary.
TK 600.006 pcs red roses in vase
TK 600.00 -
80 pcs red roses in vase
Its amazing and fresh red roses in vase. It will be the best gift for your someone special. So buy this lovely and pure red roses in vase for your someone special in your life. Vase design may vary.
TK 3,100.0080 pcs red roses in vase
TK 3,100.00 -
Fabulous combo gift for dear father
Its best combo gift for father on this fathers day. Here is include 1 kg roshogolla from rosh, 1 kg kalojam from rosh and 6 pcs red roses in vase ( vase design may vary ). This combo gift will give more exciting moment for your father. So send this combo gift and celebrate the moment.
TK 2,399.00Fabulous combo gift for dear father
TK 2,399.00 -
Magnificent combo gift
Here is nice black color tie, 12 pcs red roses in vase ( vase design may vary ), pringles chips and non alcohol heaven sparking juice (750ml). This is great and one of the best combo gift on this fathers day. Just gift your father on this fathers day by this combo gift.
TK 3,330.00Magnificent combo gift
TK 3,330.00 -
roses with fruits and card
Here is 1 kg apple, 1 kg malta, 1 kg guava in basket ( basket design may vary ), i love you mom card ( card design may vary ) and 12 pcs red roses in vase ( vase design nay vary ). Choose this gift hamper for you mom on this mothers day.
TK 2,480.00roses with fruits and card
TK 2,480.00 -
Single red rose in vase
Its very nice and sweet red rose in vase. Its perfect gift to surprise someone special. Just make smile face your special someone by this red rose in vase. Vase design may vary.
TK 400.00Single red rose in vase
TK 400.00 -
Special gift hamper for mom
Its the best and nicely gift hamper for mom. Here is 6 inch off white teddy bear with “Happy Mothers Day” text in heart shape, i love you mom card ( card design may vary ) and 12 pcs red roses in vase ( vase design may vary ). This gift hamper can make grateful feelings in heart of your mom. So surprise your mom on this mothers day by this gift hamper.
TK 1,900.00Special gift hamper for mom
TK 1,900.00