24 pcs red carnations in bouquet
Love is great feeling for everyone. Turn your loved one’s day into a memorable one with this very lovely bouquet of red carnations. Just send this to your love one and make him or her exciting.
TK 2,500.0024 pcs red carnations in bouquet
TK 2,500.00 -
24 pcs yellow gerbera in bouquet
Its very lovely bouquet of yellow gerbera. This gift is a unique flower arrangement of yellow gerbera and it can be given to anyone on any special day as yellow gerbera represent joy and warm feelings. So hurry buy it now.
TK 2,000.0024 pcs yellow gerbera in bouquet
TK 2,000.00 -
5 pcs white gerbera in bouquet
There is fresh and pure white gerbera in bouquet. This bouquet of 5 pcs white gerbera takes care of the expression of your sentiments to your loved ones. So do you want see smile face your love one then send this bouquet of white gerbera.
TK 500.005 pcs white gerbera in bouquet
TK 500.00 -
6 pcs light pink gerbera in bouquet
Are you searching the best gift for your wife or special someone. So choose this amazing bouquet of light pink gerbera. This bouquet will give them a great memorable day. So send this bouquet and make them special.
TK 1,000.006 pcs light pink gerbera in bouquet
TK 1,000.00