1 Dozen pink roses in vase
Its surprise imported pink roses from India. Its the best gift to surprise someone special. If you have someone special then you can gift this vase of pink roses. Make a special moment of your special someone by this gift. Vase design may vary.
TK 2,400.001 Dozen pink roses in vase
TK 2,400.00 -
10 pcs imported white roses in bouquet
There is imported white roses from India. White roses come in a myriad of shades and most would say that white roses are the best for everyone. Just convey your feelings by sending this white roses. Its the best way to say about feeling.
TK 1,500.0010 pcs imported white roses in bouquet
TK 1,500.00 -
10 pcs imported yellow roses in bouquet
Yellow color is symbol of love and care. This 10 pcs fresh imported yellow roses in bouquet can make more feelings of love in your fear ones heart. So send this bouquet of imported yellow roses to your love ones in Bangladesh. These yellow roses is imported from India.
TK 1,650.0010 pcs imported yellow roses in bouquet
TK 1,650.00 -
10 pcs pink carnations in bouquet
Here is very special pink carnations in bouquet. This is an exclusive gift to make your dear one feel special. Just present this bouquet of pink carnations to your dea and say how many you need her or him.
TK 1,600.0010 pcs pink carnations in bouquet
TK 1,600.00 -
10 pcs red gerbera in vase
Its very nice and fresh red gerbera in vase. By this you can share your feelings with your close one. This beautiful vase of gerberas is to express your disappointment or rejection to someone in very polite manner. So send this to your close one and say your feelings. Vase design may vary.
TK 1,550.0010 pcs red gerbera in vase
TK 1,550.00 -
12 pcs imported pink roses in bouquet
Here is fresh and pure imported pink roses in bouquet from India. It can make romantic moment in any situation for you. Make her yours by bouquet. It is sure to make her say yes and make more romantic moment. So send this bouquet of pink roses and tell her your love.
TK 1,700.0012 pcs imported pink roses in bouquet
TK 1,700.00 -
12 pcs red carnations in vase
Red carnations represent love and passion. This perfect gift for romantic moment. This beautiful of red carnations in vase which is unique enough to beguile your sweetheart complete attention at its first sight. It sure that your sweetheart will very happy with this. Vase design may vary.
TK 2,050.0012 pcs red carnations in vase
TK 2,050.00 -
15 pcs imported white roses in bouquet
Here is imported white roses in bouquet from India. Convey your love and express your feelings to your love one with this lovely bouquet of white roses. This bouquet of white roses is a perfect gift can be gifted to dear person on any special occasion.
TK 1,750.0015 pcs imported white roses in bouquet
TK 1,750.00 -
15 pcs pink gerbera in vase
Wow its very nice pink gerbera in vase. This gift is a perfect reflection of your feelings for your love one. You can also buy this in any spacial or any occasions. Gerberas are known as an epitome of love so why not gift this vase of pink gerbera to your dear ones. So hurry order this now. Vase design may vary.
TK 2,000.0015 pcs pink gerbera in vase
TK 2,000.00 -
15 pcs white carnations in bouquet
Make lovely day of your love ones by this awesome bouquet of white carnations. Just make extra special moment with your dear by gifting this bouquet. It makes a perfect flower gift for all person.
TK 1,900.0015 pcs white carnations in bouquet
TK 1,900.00 -
16 pcs yellow carnations in vase
This lovely bouquet of yellow carnations can make lovely day of your beloved. This yellow carnation gift is perfect way to tell your beloved how special they are to you. Just surprise your beloved in any day.
TK 2,300.0016 pcs yellow carnations in vase
TK 2,300.00 -
18 pcs white gerbera in bouquet
Express your love and emotions by gift this white gerbera to your love ones. Just convey to your beloved that you are head over heels in love with her by sending this magnificent white gerbera in bouquet.
TK 1,600.0018 pcs white gerbera in bouquet
TK 1,600.00